Does the field work properly now?

It is easy to understand even without any test orders. You can write your notes as a buyer in a product page, and then go to checkout page. If you can see your notes there attached to product information, it means Shopify successfully receives the notes from our app.

Where do I see my customer notes?

Once an order is placed, you should see the customer notes here:

Orders -> That Specific Order -> Order Detail

How to set a conditional logic?

Imagine that you want to ask your customers if this purchasing is a gift. If yes, you want to get the gift note. In this case, first create a checkbox saying "Is this a gift?" and apply it to relevant products. Then, create another field which is a textbox this time. However, this textbox will be displayed conditionally. Therefore, we need to set a condition for this in our last step. The logic is simple: IF a checkbox is equal to our option (Is this a gift), THEN this field will be DISPLAYED.

It is that easy.

Can customers upload an image?

Yes, these uploaded images can be accessible in the order note. Please copy and paste the link in your preferred browser, pay attention to not to paste the comma though.

How to use custom css section in the app?

This custom CSS modifies the appearance of the specific input field to which the changes are being applied in the app.

Write your custom css in curly brackets: { "your css code" }

Frequently used css codes: background-color border-color

How to change the placement of the fields?

We offer two methods for activation. In case you use "add block" option, you are supposed to be able to drag and drop the app wherever you want. However, not all Online 2.0 themes allow merchants to drag and drop apps. Then, "app embed" option gives us more flexibility. Please enable the app with this option and contact to us. We usually reply in 12 hours at the latest, weekends included :)

Where to write your more specific css on fields?

Each field label and input field has unique ID, so we can target them and add advanced styling separately to them.

Here where you need to write your custom css:

Last updated