
Guide to Creating Custom Order Fields

Minimate Apps allows you to collect custom data from customers by creating custom fields on your product pages and checkout pages. You can choose from different field formats depending on your needs and apply it to your chose of product or collection. These fields allow you to tailor the checkout process to fit your business needs.

This guide will cover how to create and configure the main custom field types:

Step 1: Formats - Style Your field

Available Field Options

  • Textbox

  • Checkbox

  • Radio Button

  • Dropdown

  • Date Picker - Date, Time and Date + Time options available

  • Upload File & Image

Mandatory Field

  • If the field is required to fill out, then select this checkbox and write your warning message here.

Limit the Maximum Characters

  • If the message length should be restricted, then you can choose the max length in this section.

Set up a Tooltip

  • A tooltip means your informative message when a visitor hoover on your field. You can write your message to explain why you have this field in place.

Left/Center/Right Placement

  • Alignment of the field means, how the field should be positioned in your product page. Left-sided, centered or right-sided.

Custom CSS

  • Custom css allows you to change the field format for your theme freely.

Step 2: Apply To - Select products

After creating your custom fields, you need to choose where they will be visible to customers.

Product/Collection Selection

You have 3 options:

  1. All Products & Collections - Field will appear on all products site-wide

  2. Choose by Products

    • Select specific products to show field

    • Search products or select from list

    • Check boxes to include/exclude products

  3. Choose by Collections

    • Pick which collections should show field

    • Search collections or select from list

    • Check collections you want to add field to

    • Field will show for products in chosen collections

Label on Cart

Additionally, you can customize the Label on Cart:

  • This is the name for the field on cart/checkout pages

  • Pre-populates with field header

  • Can edit to use shorter name if needed

Conditional Logic

Another action available in this step is conditional logic. You set the condition on the field which is dependent to other field(s). i.e. If you want your visitors to select when it is a gift, then share a note with you, first you need to create a checkbox with only one option named "Is this a gift?". After that you need to create a textbox and on this textbox, you need to set a conditional logic. There you can state that IF the "checkbox" field is equal to "Is this a gift?", THEN displays this field.

Additional Charge

You can also monetize these customizations by adding extra charges when customers utilize the fields created by our app. i.e. if a textbox field is filled out, an option is selected from dropdown, checkbox etc. then you can charge extra fee to customers.

First of all, create a product to represent your extra charge on cart and checkout page.

Then in the app, search for that product in the additional charge section and apply it to fields.

That's all.

Once you've set up:

  • Display placement (all, products, collections)

  • Label on cart/checkout

  • Conditional logic

  • Additional Charge

Click "Save & Next" to continue field setup.

Step 3: Activation

Minimate-Field is compatible with "Online Store 2.0" and old version themes

Publishing for Online 2.0 Themes

If your is Online 2.0, you need to follow the steps below:

There are two options for Online 2.0 Stores. However, please only go with one. Otherwise, the widget might be duplicated on your store.

Option A via "Add Block" for Online 2.0 Themes

  • Click "Theme Editor" inside the app.

  • Go to the "Default Product" page.

  • On the left side navigation, click the "Add block" in the "Product information" section.

  • Choose "Minimate-Fields", then drag and drop wherever you want.

  • Don't forget to click "Save" in the theme editor.

You can watch the video below to follow the instructions.

If you cannot drop the app to the position you want due to your theme, no worries. We have Option B!

Option B via "App Embeds" for Online 2.0 Themes

  • Click "Theme Editor" inside the app.

  • Click on the app embeds icon on the left.

  • Enable the app by switching the button.

  • Our app should automatically appear above the add to cart button.

  • Don't forget to click "Save" in the theme editor.

If the app does not show up or you want custom positioning, please let us know via live chat in the app.

Publishing for non-Online 2.0 Themes

If your is not Online 2.0, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Click the "Theme Editor" inside the app.

  • Then click on the "App Embeds" icon on the left.

  • Enable the app by switching the button.

  • Our app should automatically appear above the add to cart button.

  • Don't forget to "Save" in the theme editor.

If you still cannot see the field in your store, please reach out to us info@minimateapps.com

Last updated