I cannot display the widget in my store. What is wrong here?
First please be sure that one of the counters is enabled there. Please check the guide in case you need it! Then, please check the points below:
If you use the real data for the stock counter and choose "Show the available stock data if it is less than" X, the widget only displays on this condition. You cannot see the app if the product does not meet that criterion.
Please check if you click to display the widget for all products or custom products.
If you are sure that there is no problem above, please reach out to us at info@minimateapps.com because the app might need customization for your theme.
In case you choose to use the real stock data:
If the item is sold out, the stock counter widget does not display there.
If the quantity is not tracked in Shopify settings for that product, the stock counter widget does not display there.
In case you choose to use the generated stock data:
If the item is sold out, the stock counter widget does not display there.
😳 My store theme is online 2.0 but I cannot drag the app. What should I do?
Even though we support the Online 2.0 drag-and-drop option, some of the themes do not allow users to place the app's desired location. But no worries! You can still place our app above the add-to-cart button.
Please follow the basic steps listed below,
Disable the app from the add block section by clicking the eye icon (1).
Then enable the app again from the theme settings -> app embeds section (2).
Do not forget to click the save button after the changes.
When you complete the steps, our app automatically will appear above the add-to-cart button.
🪞Why does the widget display twice? | Duplication issue
You activated the app perfectly but it shows the message twice. Don't worry it's super easy to fix it. The reason behind that is the app has been activated more than once.
There are two options for Online 2.0 Stores. One is via the "Add Block " and the other one is via "App Embeds". However, you need to enable only one of the options and disable the other one to prevent duplication issues.
Please follow the basic steps listed below to only activate the app via app embeds.
Disable the app from the add block section by clicking the eye icon (1).
Then enable the app again from the theme settings -> app embeds section (2).
Do not forget to click the save button after the changes.
Please check the guide if you need more details.
🖼 I would like to display the widgets only for specific items. Is it possible?
Yes, sure! Please select products that you want to display the widgets on from the filter in the settings section. The app only will be displayed there!
🧐 Does the app work for Online Store 2.0?
Yes! Hey! Stock Counter works for Online Store 2.0. You need to follow below:
Go to one of the product pages
On the left side navigation, click the "Add block" in the "Product information" section
Please choose Hey! Stock Counter, then drag and drop wherever you want.
🔡 I just want to display a text message, is it possible to hide the number?
Yes! You can hide the number if you want to give a message just by text. The solution is a little tricky. If you make the number size 0, the number disappears. You can check the use cases section to get some tips to use our app differently.
🚀How can I publish the app if my store theme is not "Online 2.0"?
Please go to the "theme editor", and then " app embed". You see Hey Stock Counter App there! Switch our app on and see our app in action on your product page!
🔎 What if I want to put the widget in a custom position?
Please let us know where you would like to put the widget! Based on that, we will share a custom code for your theme and you can insert it into your product.liquid file.
Last updated